Exemplum Text

Do you know what is Exemplum Text. today i'm gona explain about Exemplum text, for the college student who take a english major its gonna be one of your lesson.
- Exemplum Text adalah sejenis text yang biasanya menjelaskan tentang kejadian yang tidak umum terjadi yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan fenomena dalam masyarakat tertentu
- Definition of Exemplum Text Exemplum Text is a kind of genre used to deal with incidents that are in some respects out of the usual, point to some general values in the cultural contex
More broadly, exemplum can mean any use of an example at all. So any time someone says “for instance” or “for example,” what follows is an exemplum. These, too, can be either short or long, but they tend to be fairly short.
Generic Structure of Exemplum Text
# Abstract (sometimes also known as synopsis)
# Orientation
# Incidents
# Judgements
# Re-orientation
# Abstract (sometimes also known as synopsis)
# Orientation
# Incidents
# Judgements
# Re-orientation
The Characteristics / Language Feature of
Exemplum Text:
– It usually uses conjunctive relations both temporal and logical.
– It usually uses exospheric reference (especially in Abstract or synopsis)
– It usually uses of material and action process to explore the incidents.
– It uses relational process in order to explore judgements.
– It uses text reference and lexical ties to point to values suggested by events.
– It usually uses conjunctive relations both temporal and logical.
– It usually uses exospheric reference (especially in Abstract or synopsis)
– It usually uses of material and action process to explore the incidents.
– It uses relational process in order to explore judgements.
– It uses text reference and lexical ties to point to values suggested by events.
exemplum text also related to MORAL VALUE
Morality Play (or Morality Tale)
In common usage, these terms are thought to be
synonymous with “ moral exemplum,” and in fact much more common. If you used
the word “morality tale” A morality play is not just a play with a moral. It’s a play in which moral virtues actually appear as characters. So your main character (usually a man) will be walking along, and suddenly Equity or Mercy or Justice will appear and admonish him to behave more ethically. Or, conversely, Sloth or Greed or Wrath will appear and try to tempt the main character away from his Godly path. This narrative form is not very popular anymore, which is why the meaning of the term has started to shift.
Examples of Exemplum
Example 1
Once there was a boy who lived in a village. He liked to call out “Wolf!” and laugh as the villagers ran around in a panic, only to realize that there was no wolf at all. One day, the boy was playing in the forest, and ran into an actual wolf. He cried “Wolf! Wolf!” but no one believed him anymore. Everyone thought he was lying again, and no one came to save him.This is one of the most famous exemple of all. You probably heard this story at some point when you were young, when an adult wanted you to understand the importance of being truthful. This is a good, short example of the “moral exemplum.”

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